Monday, February 20, 2023

The Creative Momentum Guided Journal is Here and FREE for a limited time.

Happy Today!!

It's been forever since I've last posted anything. I miss me some long form blogging. It just seems like I don't have time to sit down and write something deep. You can always follow my short things on social media at @DropStepDunk

An update :

I've switched jobs from a Tech Coach / PD Specialist to working on K-12 College and Career Readiness. Right now, I'm working on connecting local businesses and organizations to the school system. 

Presenting :

On-and-off over the last 3-ish years, John Spencer and I have been co-creating a journal to walk you through a 40-Day project. It's about sustaining creative momentum throughout that whole length of time. 

Continue reading for John's detailed introduction to The Creative Momentum Guided Journal and how you can get it for FREE for right now only. (We'd love a donation, but free is good, too. We just want it to be used.)
