🤔 Thought Bubble 1First and Final FramesI stumbled across this side-by-side comparison video of the First and Final Frames of some movies. Some are almost identical to each others. Some are way different. Seeing just the beginning and the end made my mind want to fill in the story myself. How did they get to the end? What happened in the middle? What was the story? How might have they gotten there? How did they end up in the same spot? Was there growth over time? Were the characters stagnant? What happens next? Was love lost? Was love gained? What trials did the character overcome? What did they not overcome? Whom did they meet along the way? What influence did those they meet have on the character? And on and on. As I watched the clips, the above questions really drained me because of the mysterious unknown of the middle. How did the story evolve? Every teacher starts with the same “first frame.” More than likely the standards for whatever area you teach. That’s the beginning. The “Final Frame” gets determined by the success, or lack of success in the middle. We’d all like to see that “Final Frame” be of a student being successful. It’s easy to focus on the “Final Frame,” but you can’t get to the final frame without a successful middle. | |
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So, how do you plan what happens during the middle? With any movie/story/book there is always a plot. The story structure usually follows this framework: A character has a problem, then meets a guide who gives them a plan that calls them to action, that hopefully results in success avoiding failure. (Sorry for ruining all the books/movies.) | |
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You’re the guide. How are you setting up your students for success like habit stacking? How are you designing or creating experiences that are leading to success? How are you helping students overcome their struggles like this man who went from drug dealer to master falconer? How are you teaching with the tools and strategies that will see students successful at the final frame in the “real world?” Or better yet, will this activity/lesson/assessment/content keep kids loving learning? Could you use the What? So What? Now What? reflection? How are you getting rid of hidden clutter to focus on the middle? Are you explaining content in ways that students understand? This is a clip from a WKRP in Cincinnati. Hat tip to Mr. DuBois for showing me this. 1. I now understand atoms (not because I’m in a gang, either). 2. I learned about an old sitcom. What are you noticing? Are you paying attention to these squares that are popping up everywhere? What are you noticing about your class? | |
🤔 Thought Bubble 2I know we’re still operating during a pandemic, finding subs is incredibly hard, testing season is upon us, the Q3 Doldrums are sucking the life out of you, your plates are still full, and much, much, much more. It’s better to light a candle, than curse the darkness. (Who knows who said this first?) Make the best of every situation, including decorating. Need a pep talk? Here’s one from a 5 year old that’ll motivate you. And one from Austin Kleon about Groundhog Day from Keep Going, which is one of my favorite books. | |
Reach out if you need anything or want to collaborate. May your day be great. Try something new. Matt |
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