Tuesday, December 28, 2021

What if We Designed with Only the Necessities?

This post was originally published on 12.03.21 in a part of a newsletter sent to teachers in the district I serve. 


Continuing with our last two newsletters and simplifying things so you can get to more of the good stuff, what if we designed with only the necessities?

A 344 square foot apartment was remodeled. It has only what is needed.

NEVER TOO SMALL Paris Architect’s Micro Apartment - 31sqm/344sqft

What are you leaving out to help with simplifying?

How do you know if you’re simplifying enough?

Are you on the right track? To determine this, consult the Most Powerful Flowchart in the Whole World.

Reach out if you need anything or want to collaborate.

May your day be great.

Stay Curious.

Give more than you take.

Try something new.




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